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Category: Family & Travel
Family & Travel
First and foremost I am a father and husband. Family means everything to me. Here I share our families triumphs and travels. I am a proud father of 3 amazing grown ups but they will always be my children and their spouses are also my children. Years ago my mother said “Once your a parent your a parent for life”. That is a wonderful gift and we need to enjoy them and I do.
I’ve always loved to travel and over the years I’ve been luckily enough to travel all over the US, parts of Canada, London and Mexico alone for work and with the family. I hope one day around the globe. With each vacation and business trip, I learn something new, not only about the world but about myself. For more family content click here for the Family page
Life is a journey, pack lite, and enjoy the journey just as much as the destination.
Clifford Starks YouTube Channel
Hello friends,
My son, Clifford Starks is a MMA Fighter, Personnel Trainer and father. He’s started his own YouTube channel that you should check out. Clifford’s channel will cover, work outs, MMA techniques and motivational content.
Like and subscribe to his channel.
Happy Birthday Clifford

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Happy 36th Birthday Son Clifford your mom and I am are so proud of the man you have become and the family you and Sonia are building. Happy Birthday
2016 a year in review
2016 in Review
What a year it has been. I started 2016 with a new saying “New Year New Life”. So I started a new job in 2016 and I love it. More importantly we now have a new member of the family, our first grandson, Tyson Clifford Starks, who has brought more joy and laughter in our world then I could imagine.
I hope 2017, regardless of the news networks, politics and craziness in the world, brings joy, peace health and prosperity to everyone.
The photos in the video are just a few of trips and family events this year. The song is “Your Kiss” from my 2016 release “I’m gonna let it ride“
I hope you enjoy
Without music, Life has no soul
Introducing my grandson: Tyson Clifford Starks

This gallery contains 36 photos.
Tyson Clifford Starks Is my first grandson and yes I am in love. Clifford and Sonia brought this precious little man came into the world on August 29th at 6 lbs and 10 oz. The slide show is of Tyson and the family. I remember my mother saying when she heldEXCERPT
Clifford and Sonia are parents

This gallery contains 3 photos.
Clifford and Sonia are parents of a beautiful baby boy Congratulations kids. Here are a few pics of the proud parents. More to come of our new family member Tyson Clifford Starks Family is Everything