Book Review: The Lost Colony: The Long Winter Trilogy

Hello fellow readers, I’m R. E. Fort and welcome back to my podcast and this episode of my Book Reviews. The backing track in this post is the title track from my 2023 CD Life on the Other Side. As always you can find this CD and others on all music streaming services and all my music can be found on my website In this review, I’m covering A. G. Riddle’s last book in the Long Winter Trilogy, The Lost Colony. Let’s get to the review. 


Podcast – Book Review – The Lost Colony – Life on the Other Side

The Lost Colony continues the story of humanity fighting for its existence. In the last story, humanity has been given a chance to survive but they must leave earth to do it. The offer came from one of James’s androids that was infected by the grid. Now as they settle on the new planet, they’ve named Eos. They find that there are new predators they must deal with as they try to build a new society. 

They left earth in two distinct groups with the hope that it would extend their chances for survival on this long trip. One group has arrived early and landed on Eos but when James and his group arrived, there is no sign of them. Nothing is left of them except for their habitats and the small city they built, but no clue of where they are or where they went. 

James kept a secret from the new colony. The android that gave them the chance to leave earth, has stowed away on their ship. During their long journey that android spent its time repairing the ship and directing the ship to Eos. All the while keeping a secret from James. Once on Eos, where is the lost colony, how is the grid involved.

On my scale of 1 to 5, a 1 being don’t bother and a 5 a real page turner. I’m going to give The Lost Colony a solid 5. This book and the trilogy are highly engaging with great story lines, strongly developed characters, great plots and surprising twists throughout. As I’ve said before, if you like this genre then this writer and this series won’t disappoint.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the review. You can find all my podcast episodes on my website at and as I mentioned, the music track I used in this post is the title track from my 2023 CD Life on The Other Side. You can find it and other CDs on all music streaming services and all my music can be found on my website at

As always, Without Music, Life Has No Soul.

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Life on The Other Side


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R E Fort

Guitarist, keyboardist and songwriter. My motto: Without Music Life Has No Soul.

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