More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think

Know Coffee Know Peace,  No Coffee No PeaceCoffee

I am sure by now many of you know how much I love my coffee. I’m not talking about Latte’s, or Cappuccino’s, I’m talking about black coffee or espresso. Nothing against my fellow coffee addicts, I just prefer it straight. So you can imagine how excited I was when I came across this post praising the health benefits of our Ambrosia, our Nectar of the Gods, COFFEE.

A little insight into my love for coffee. From my early childhood days I remember sitting with my mother watching late night television drinking coffee. Yes I am that guys that has a backup coffee maker for when something happens. Now while that may sound extreme, I don’t think I am over the top. I know a few coffee enthusiast that order their beans and have them roasted the day before they are shipped. Myself, I am  just as happy going to Costco and getting a 3 pound bag of either their Sumatra, Rwandan or Guatemalan Lake Atitlan dark roast. Ok I do have a really fancy coffee maker too. LOL

In this New York Time piece they are reporting the results from 36 different studies of over a million participants. The combined data showed that for those that drank a moderate amount 3 to 5 cups of black coffee a day (I do a little more than that, ok a pot a day is pushing it) were at a lower risk for problems.

Know Coffee Know Peace,  No Coffee No Peace

A review of studies shows that coffee’s reputation as being unhealthy is undeserved, with the potential health benefits surprisingly large. Source:

More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think

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R E Fort

Guitarist, keyboardist and songwriter. My motto: Without Music Life Has No Soul.

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